Sunday, December 7, 2008

Generation NeXt: Not Gonna Do It

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Generation NeXt: Not Gonna Do It

I am ashamed to say, I am a part of generation next. It’s not something I can help; my parents just decided that they would have babies. If I could have picked a generation to be born into, well, within the past couple centuries I couldn’t tell you which one I would choose. I assure you however, it would not have been this one.
I’m not illiterate, which is something that is recommended for our generation. I also, am not lazy. I will get up and do whatever it takes to get my job done correctly. But I’m one of the few. So many people of my generation do not complete high school, not to mention college. Our generation wears pregnancy like a prada bag. Babies left and right, what’s worse is that we’re just babies ourselves. We cannot do our work if we do not have some form of technology to make it easier.
Students in college courses are increasingly slack in their work. “They expect high grades without significant effort and often just for showing up;” described President William C. Durden, president of Dickenson College. Students of the next generation expect things to be easy, they expect good grades to be handed to them. My question is, if our parents had to work to get where they are, what does the Next generation think slacking off will get them?
It’s amazing to me the number of people I meet who have either dropped out of school or are currently flunking their way into the unemployment lines. Why is America becoming stupider by the day? We have everything handed to us as students, we have everything guided by knowledgeable adults. All we have to do is follow the steps that are set out for us, but we are Generation NeXt: we’re not gonna do it.

1 comment:

Paul G. said...

Wow: "Our generation wears pregnancy like a prada bag."

Ouch for the generation.

Clever, though. Clever.

But are there proportionally more teen pregnancies than in America's glorious past decades of the 20th?